Meet the band>
 The members of Choice all have very interesting backgrounds.  Take a look at all the great pictures in this section and get to know the guys!
Once you have read the biographies click on the History >page and take a walk down memory lane...learn how the members came  together and have remained together for over 40 years...through this unique story and perspective.

Copyright 2024 by Choice All rights reserved3
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Well…Its’ been awhile since we’ve given you an update. Like everyone else, Choice has dealt with and continues to deal with the current events that have touched us all this past year, When the virus hit we had to make a decision about to what to do with the band . After playing together for 40 plus years, it was decided to call a truce with the current times and cease to do live performances as it was the correct thing to do. During the course of this past year we have since decided that we are retiring from playing live performances altogether.

However, not playing music is not what we do. Over the years in addition to playing cover songs, a couple of us had been engaging in writing and recording some of our own original music. In fact, as you recall we put together a couple of all original shows. The Outdoor Theater show was attended by quite a few of you. Your appreciation for our music fueled our desire to continue down that path and at your request, make the recordings available to you...our fans.
So,even though we aren’t playing out anymore we are still able to make music.

We never wanted to just stop playing so we are evolving. We have a small recording studio called Barn Audio. Catchy right….Here a few members of the Choice Band along with some of our close friends are writing and recording our own music. Our songs are available at iTunes, You Tube Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora,  Amazon Music, Google Play etc. Just search Choice and friends and look for an old barn and truck. Thats us! Have fun downloading  our songs.

Thanks again for all the years together with you. Take a listen. We hope you like the songs!
The Dans
The Mikes
The Friends
“ You Just Heard Your Choice”……. Again! 

Upcoming Shows
​Choice is not currently accepting bookings
Click the one of the pictures above to visit our You Tube channel. You can also download our music from iTunesApple Music, SpotifyAmazonand any other music platform of your choice.